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May 4th Site Threatened by Bulldozers

(KENT, OHIO) On the site of the "incident" seven years ago at Kent State University, the board of trustees of the university has announced that they will build a gymnasium. Governor Rhodes approves.

Many students are angry, and a group has pitched tents on the site in an effort to prevent the bulldozing. "The site is immaculate," reported one Cleveland woman who visited Tent City.

The May Fourth Coalition is allowing no trash, no liquor, and no illegal drugs at the site. They move the tents every two or three days to prevent killing the grass.

The Coalition has asked that all concerned citizens come to Kent State University on JUNE 4 to demonstrate their support for maintaining the site as a memorial to the four students who were killed there on May 4, 1970.


New York (LNS)--Assata Shakur (Joanne

Chesimard) was sentenced to thirty-three years in prison on assault and weapons convictions on April 25. This is to run consecutively to a life sentence imposed on Shakur for her March 25 murder conviction ending a trial that she characterized as "a lynching." Reflecting the racist hysteria around the New

at the sentencing.

Brunswick, N.J. trial, Middlesex County prosecutor Edward Barone called Shakur "an animal" "Mrs. Chesimard is a black woman, not an animal," defense attorney Lewis After her sentencing in March, Shakur was

Myers angrily replied.

moved from the basement of the men's Middlesex County Jail (where she had been in solitary confinement for over a year), to the Clinton Correctional Facility for women. From Clinton she wrote to her supporters: "Naturally I am disappointed that the jurors in New Brunswick could not over.

come their essential racism, but I am far from downhearted I am already helping to organize the

women in my prison, and there are some here who

are very political. While my appeal is pending, Shakur also wrote that her presence at Clinton

I expect to make my presence felt."

was being used as an excuse to harass the other

women prisoners. "Every time the women go out to school or the recreation room or outside, they are forced to strip and squat. The women are locked in every time the door to my cell is opened. The telephone has been cut off, and the women who could previously make as many phone calls as they wanted have no access to phones now. "All visitors are now more thoroughly search. ed and are no longer permitted to carry coats or handbags. There are a constant barrage of flood lights and state trooper cars around North Hall, and the women have complained that they are having a Then on April 7, totally without warning, Shakur was moved from Clinton to Yardville, a men's prison in Trenton, N.J. where she is again in solitary confinement. Prison officials have tried to defend their actions by claiming that they "feared for her safety" at Clinton. Shakur is currently awaiting a ruling on a motion she has filed to be moved back to Clinton

hard time sleeping."


Meanwhile the state of New York, not content with the murder conviction in New Jersey, has already begun extradition proceedings to bring Shakur back to face a murder charge in Brooklyn, Charges against Shakur's co-defendant were dis missed in the Brooklyn indictment some time

ago for lack of evidence.




MAY 4th, 1970,







A Woman's Place is closed, temporarily we hope. It has taken a great deal of thought, energy, and pain for us to acknowledge that it is impossi. ble for AWP to continue as it has. Many of the plans and hopes we conveyed in our newsletter were inadequate in the face of money and energy shortages, and limited community support. Fundraising has never been done adequately, because of the workload involved in running the retreat and maintaining the property. Each woman who has lived here has contributed an enormous amount of energy to keep AWP going. A large amount of money has also gone into AWP: $24,850 in land payments and over $100,000 in operating expenses. AWP is not in its present crisis because anyone has failed. We believe that the continued existence of AWP can no longer be the full respon. sibility of the women who live here. It must be the responsibility of a larger group, a community of women outside of AWP who acknowledge the political and personal importance of AWP.

AWP has operated with only four women and barely enough money to meet minimun expenses for most of the past year. (Present collective members are Sage, Creek, Kendra, and Rust. Bonnie has recently left.) For example, we have not been able to pay last years taxes and penalties of $3750.00 or make such necessary improvements as a new septic system. From our experience, we estimate that ten women are needed, two of whom would do full-time fundraising.

If this woman's retreat is to reopen this summer, we must have about ten women seriously interested in becoming new caretakers of AWP by June 15, and enough money to carry us through the summer ($15,000--$7000 by June 15, $5000 by July 15, and $3000 by August 15.)

As of May 15, the facilities will be open to women who are interested in living and working here. Between May 15 and June 15, these women can spend time with us to get an idea of the work and commitment Involved. During this time, women can expect to work about five hours a day and will need to be as self sufficient as possible. Women will be asked to cover the cost of their food. Financial limitations can be discussed.



page 8/What She Wants/June, 1977